About me

Kuantan, Pahang
Salam semua..Selamat berkenalan..:) Panggil saya Maz ye kawan2.. Happy Shopping

Monday, April 11, 2011

Who is Azalea?? Who is Amarylliss?

Whoaaa.... My entry for today is about these words. For quite sometimes, most of my friends keep asking me why my email & blog will have azalea or amarylliss.

Introducing to you friend of mine.. Azalea

Azalea aka Rosebay or its Scientific Name Rhododendron spp is well known for its flowering shrubs. I recently noticed that this plant is used for traditional alcoholic drink in Korea and have toxicity to the herbivors such as goat, sheep and horses. In the other source, I found that azalea may also harm the cats and dogs..

Next, my second 'best' friend

tadaaaa.. here it is, my amaryllis.. not amaryliss that I used to spell ..haha..

amaryllis has other common name such as Naked Lady, Belladona lily. Why it is called "naked"?..

it just because of the pattern of flowering itself...(^ ^)..

You may read here for the details.

Thanks for reading